Quinto first appeared on television in the short-lived television series The Others, and appeared as a guest star on shows including CSI, Touched by an Angel, Charmed, Six Feet Under, Lizzie McGuire, and L.A. Quinto graduated from Central Catholic High School in 1995, where he participated in its musicals and won the Gene Kelly Award for Best Supporting Actor, and then attended Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama, from which he graduated in 1999. His father was of Italian descent, while his mother was of Irish ancestry. Quinto and his brother, Joe, were subsequently raised by their mother. His father, Joseph John 'Joe' Quinto, a barber, died of cancer when Quinto was seven years old. 'Margo' (née McArdle), worked at an investment firm and later at a magistrate's office. He attended Saints Simon and Jude Catholic School (closed 2010). Quinto was born in Pittsburgh, and grew up in the suburb of Green Tree, Pennsylvania.